A level 2 sleep study (also called Polysomnography) can also be completed from your own home, (but some level 2 sleep studies are offered in a sleep lab or hospital).
In addition to monitoring your breathing activity, oxygen levels, and heart rate, a level 2 sleep study monitors brain and muscle activity. This added monitoring means a level 2 sleep study is a more sensitive test and can monitor your leg and body movement, detect periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), and provide a more in-depth analysis on the overall quality and length of your sleep.
Who Should Have a Level 2 Sleep Study?
If you suffer from poor sleep but are not at risk for sleep apnea, or if you are unsure of the cause of your poor sleep, a level 2 sleep study can provide additional information to help uncover the root cause (be it obstructive sleep apnea or otherwise). At-home level 2 sleep studies are offered at Kashmir Institute Of Allergy and Sleep Sciences.
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Contact Info
24-A Shah Complex, opposite OPD gate of SMHS Hospital, Karan Nagar, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir 190010
94190 07775 | 01942504864