Allergy skin testing

What Are Skin Tests?

Skin Tests are used to confirm clinical sensitivity induced by aeroallergens, foods, and hymenoptera venom.

Indicated in following diseases:

  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Asthma
  • Food Allergy
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Hymenoptera hypersensitivity

Factors affecting skin test

Below are the various factors which affects the skin test:

Age-infancy or old age
Sex -no difference
Race-whealing more in blacks
Circadian rhythm peak in late evening
Seasonal variation – Eg: pollen allergy
Skin condition-skin eczema
Other condition-diabetic neuropahthy


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Skin prick testing is done to demonstrate an allergic response to a specific allergen. SPT can help to confirm the presence of an allergy to pollen, food, dust, mites, moulds and animal dander’s. SPT is a simple, safe and quick test, providing results within 15-20 minutes. This will enable you to receive a diagnosis and management plan at your appointment.

The skin prick test introduces a tiny amount of allergen into the skin, eliciting a small, localized allergic response, in the form of a wheal (bump) and flare (redness) at the site of testing. These tests can be carried out on all age groups, including babies. The test allergens are selected following a discussion with your clinician and based on your history.


The patient needs to avoid taking anti-histamines and certain other medications before the test.

Antihistamine for example cetrizine,loratidine,fexofenadine should be stopped at least 5 to 7 days before the testing. Tricyclic anti depressant( doxepine) and atypical antipsychotic drugs (ex.risperidone,olanzapine,ziprasidone) should be tapered down if required one week before the testing. Beta blockers should be stopped in all instances 24 hour before the testing.

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About Us

The aim of KASHMIR INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND SLEEP SCIENCES will be to treat with the most recent advance in diagnosis, management & treatment of allergic & Sleep patients.

Contact Info


24-A Shah Complex, opposite OPD gate of SMHS Hospital, Karan Nagar, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir 190010


94190 07775 | 01942504864


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